Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

This Is My Project...Wish me Luck!!! Denso Youth Earth Action!!!

Sudah hampir satu bulan saya mengerjakan ini, dengan bantuan teman-teman semua, akhirnya jadilah essay singkat ini...

Fish auction placed in Depok, Bantul is the biggest fish auction in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta residence, Indonesia. This auction has been grown rapidly since it was built in 1997. There are 50 local fishermen in Depok Beach. Up to 3 tons of fishes sold in this place everyday, give the local fishermen an adequate living.

Actually, Depok beach has a big potential as tourism area, there is a 2 km beach that attract the people to visit. This area is famous for its seafood culinary, up to 34 restaurants offer delicious seafood cuisines here. This big potential obstructed because Depok Beach environment is dirty. We can see many kind of wastes scattered along the beach and it make the tourists unwilling to come. Slacking of the tourists will reduce the people income and at the end, it will weaken the economy of Depok as a whole.

The most dominant waste in Depok Beach is fish waste, up to 50 kg per day. Until now, that waste throw away in Opak river that disembogue in Depok Beach. It caused a lot of bad effects in health and environment, made the location become dirty and have bad smell. This condition finally will reduce tourist to come there. Actually, fish waste has a big potential to be processed into biodiesel, a renewable energy that can subtitute fossil fuel. The biodiesel can be used by the local fishermen to sail and get fishes.

In order to make this project successfully done, we need to incorporate the society around Depok Beach to gather the fish waste. We also need to influence profesional collage student who have a great ability to make biodiesel from fish waste. They also will educate the society around Depok Beach how to process fish waste into biodiesel.

To process fish waste into biodiesel we need a lot of money, but if this plan can be implemented, many benefits can be gain by the local citizens. First, they’ll get fresh air and cleaner environment since the fish waste has been turned into biodiesel, beside that depok fish auction will become pilot project for biodiesel processes from fish waste. This condition will improve depok beach tourism since the beautiful beach without fish waste will attract the tourists and give the citizens another income. Second, we can produce biodiesel from that waste. The biodiesel can be used by the local fishermen to sail and get fishes. This condition will reduce the utilization fossil fuel so enviromental pollution can be reduced. For those reasons, we can see that this project is very interesting, applicable, green and beneficial to be implemented in Depok.

It is so difficult to change the local citizen habit so we need to incorporate with them and sociallize this project. We have to tell them many benefits that will be gained by them in order to motivate them to change their habit. Beside that, it is not easy to teach them how to produce biodiesel from fish waste.

Biodiesel production from fish waste is a common activity in laboratorium, but it is still rare in scale up production. This condition will obstruct this project, we need to learn how to produce biodiesel from fish waste effectively.

In Denso Youth Earth Action camp, I want to study many things that have relation with green things, how to safe our environment, how to socialize it to society and many others thing that will grow my awareness about environment.With attending this program, I will have a positive movement to reach my dream and to realize sustainable development lifestyles around me. I hope I can sharpen my sensitivity about what environment need and how to fulfill it.

Since my childhood, I love everything that has a relation with nature, and now it is the time for me to have a great contribution to this earth. With my knowledge that I get from study in chemical engineering and in Denso Youth Earth Action camp, I want to influence and work together with society around me to make this earth greener by do so many things.

wish me luck!!!!

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